Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Maintain Your Strength And Stamina As You Age, With Treatments Geared Towards Improving Your Physical Performance, Mood, and Sexual Function
Low testosterone, also known as andropause or male menopause, is a condition in which the testicles do not produce enough testosterone and is affiliated with hypogonadism (low sex hormones). It affects approximately 2.1% (about 2 men in every 100) of men worldwide with estimates that this number is increasing per year. According to the American Urology Association, low blood testosterone (Low-T) is defined as less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Low testosterone affects about 40% of men ages 45 and older, and can lead to troublesome symptoms for some men, including low sex drive and performance, decrease muscle mass, changes in mood, weight gain, fatigue, and decreased sense of wellbeing.
The most common cause of low testosterone is aging. As men age, testosterone produced from the testes gradually declines. After age 30, testosterone levels begin to decline by 1% a year. Other causes of low testosterone can be due to testicular injury or trauma, metabolic disorders, medications, substance abuse, or chronic conditions. For many men with low testosterone levels and symptoms, they are made to feel less of a man or inadequate, and as a result, may suffer in silence and not seek the help they need and deserve.

At Embodied Wellness, we can help you reclaim your vitality and get you back on the path to wellness. We understand that although andropause is an inevitable process, the physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that accompany andropause and affect a man’s functioning does not need to be. At Embodied Wellness, we work in understanding your goals and preferences regarding treatment. We want to understand from you your vision of improved quality of life, so that we may partner with you in achieving your goals.
Our process typically consists of a thorough health assessment to provide foundational history regarding your health concerns. We order comprehensive lab work to look at your hormone levels and other key markers to support your treatments. We also supplement our services with holistic treatments that complement your values and can potentially assist in optimizing treatment outcomes. Some of these services may include hormone replacement therapy, nutritional and lifestyle support, your personal priorities, herbal supplementation, and more!
Below, we discuss the science behind the process of andropause, the common symptoms, as well as treatments for managing andropause-related symptoms.
Low testosterone is typically the result of the natural aging process in men. When low testosterone is due to aging, the process is typically gradual with varying degrees of symptoms. However, low testosterone can also be the result of underlying medical conditions or lifestyle practices. Below are the most common types:
- Testicular Injury – Injury that results from reduced blood flow, or other infectious injury or trauma to the testes.
- Head injury trauma
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation exposure
- Metabolic disorder – Such as uncontrolled type II diabetes, obesity, hypertension, or hemochromatosis
- Autoimmune disorders – Uncontrolled primary hypothyroidism
- Genetic disorders – Kallman syndrome; Klinefelter syndrome, XXY chromosomes
- Pituitary tumors – Hyperprolactinemia
- Medications – Including opioids, prednisone or other prescribed steroids, hormones for prostate cancer treatment
- Alcohol abuse
- Advanced liver disease
- Chronic kidney failure
- Anabolic steroid abuse
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Estrogen excess
Although andropause is a natural and inevitable part of aging, the symptoms of andropause and low testosterone can be debilitating for some and is what usually brings men in for treatment. Testosterone does more than just increase sex drive; it can also support mental and physical energy, maintain muscle mass, bone density, and support other bodily functioning. Common signs and symptoms of low testosterone may include:
- Erectile dysfunction: The inability to initiate or sustain an erection, typically the result of low testosterone levels
- Low sex drive: Decreased desire for sex typically a result of low testosterone levels
- Changes in mood: Including depression, mood swings, and irritability
- Low energy or fatigue
- Difficulties with concentration and memory
- Loss of muscle mass and strength
- Loss of bone density
- Decreased body hair
- Increased body fat
- Infertility
Low testosterone is typically diagnosed with blood work measuring the amount of testosterone in your blood. Testosterone levels generally fluctuate throughout the day, and therefore it may take a couple of blood tests to determine an accurate measurement of your testosterone levels. However, testosterone is typically the most elevated in the mornings, and so many healthcare providers will choose to draw blood levels of testosterone at this time of day.
In addition to testosterone levels, at Embodied Wellness, we complete comprehensive lab workup to assess risk factors and rule out other contributing causes, such as certain hormone levels, glucose levels, metabolic screenings, complete blood count, prostate levels, and more!
Below are some of the tests Embodied Wellness will order and why:

Total Testosterone Level
This test will determine whether your testosterone levels are low. Because of the varying levels of testosterone throughout the day, your provider will request you complete your lab work on two separate days before noon, as testosterone levels are highest in the morning. Though this test ultimately reveals whether or not you have low testosterone levels, it does not tell us why. Therefore, other supporting lab work is ordered to understand the rationale as to why your testosterone levels are low.
Luteinizing Level (LH)
LH will help your provider understand the “cause” of your low testosterone levels. The LH hormone controls how your body makes testosterone. Abnormal levels may signal a problem with your pituitary gland.
Prostate-Specific Antigen Test (PSA, total and free)
Testosterone is contraindicated (should not be used) in those with prostate cancer, and caution is extremely advised with those who are at risk of prostate cancer or who have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostate cancer screening and other relevant examinations are done before any treatment is initiated and periodic screening is conducted per protocol to maintain your safety. If your lab values show elevated PSA, your provider will discuss the risk vs. benefits of treatment with you.
Other lab tests ordered may include, but are not limited to:
- Testosterone, free w/ SHBG
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
- Complete Blood Count
- Estradiol (E2)
- IGF-1
- Hemoglobin A1c
- Lipid Panel
At Embodied Wellness, we understand that andropause is a natural part of life. For some men who have low testosterone levels, they are asymptomatic, however for many others, they have troublesome symptoms that can feel debilitating. We offer holistic, modern approaches to medically treating andropause-related symptoms:
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) For Men
BHRT are the preferred method for treating low testosterone-related symptoms. Bioidentical hormones are plant-based and are closely identical molecularly to the hormones your body naturally produces. BHRT brings hormonal balance back to your body and can address both local or systemic andropause-related symptoms, including erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, low energy, fatigue, and more!
The two main types of bio-hormone therapies include:
Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the most popular and the preferred treatment for men with low testosterone and other andropause-related symptoms. TRT replenishes testosterone hormones your testes no longer produce in abundance, and most men who start supplementing with testosterone therapy notice immediate improvements in their symptoms, including improved sex drive, erectile functioning, increased muscle strength and physical performance, better focus, and improved energy.
For men looking for alternative ways to naturally increase testosterone levels, or for men who cannot use or tolerate testosterone bio-hormones, DHEA may be a suitable option. DHEA, which is naturally produced in the adrenal glands, as well as small amounts in the testes, is a prohormone that converts into testosterone and other sex hormones in the body. A few studies suggests that DHEA may help boosts testosterone levels. Furthermore, DHEA has the advantage of boosting testosterone levels without slowing the production of testosterone a man’s body naturally produces, making it the preferred treatment over testosterone for some men. DHEA may help increase sexual libido, increase muscle mass and physical performance, aid in immune support, and promote weight loss.
At Embodied Wellness, we utilize BHRT in our holistic approach to treating troublesome andropause-related symptoms. The following most popular formulations are described below:
Bioidentical HRT Injectables: BHRT testosterone injectables are the most popular and widely used forms of BHRT treatment. Preferred for its flexibility of use, BHRT testosterone is typically injected intramuscularly every 2-4 weeks. Through this method, testosterone is readily available for your body to use, and thus many men experience enhanced improvements in their andropause-related symptoms.
Bioidentical HRT Creams: BHRT testosterone creams or gels are preferred for their ease of use and instant absorption into the bloodstream. They are applied topically to the skin and are pre-measured allowing for the perfect amount of medication to alleviate your andropause-related symptoms.
Peptide Therapy For Men
Peptides are naturally found in our own bodies. They are safe and effective, and mimic the molecular structure and function our own bodies use and produce. Peptides may act as hormones or chemical messengers and are used to treat a variety of health ailments, including increasing sexual desire/libido, promoting weight loss, and improving sleep, mood, and mental clarity. They may be used alone or in combination with BHRT for optimal results.
When it comes to sexual health, peptides, such as Bremelanotide, target certain receptors in your body that are responsible for improving sexual function, including increased sexual libido and induced erections. Bremelanotide works on the central nervous system and studies show that about 80% of men who do not respond to PDE5 inhibitors, like Viagra, respond well to Bremelanotide. This peptide hormone comes in either a simple injectable or a nasal spray and is easy to self-administer. It can be used as monotherapy or in conjunction with bioidentical hormone replacement therapies to enhance sexual experiences.
In addition to these treatments, Embodied Wellness also offer treatments for hair restoration, improved muscle mass and physical performance, and treatments for weight loss.
Nutritional & Lifestyle Plans
Making the switch to an anti-inflammatory diet with foods packed with antioxidants help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, repairing cellular function and optimizing health. It is a natural tool for weight loss and anti-aging, and studies show that it can even improve your mood and prevent various chronic diseases. At Embodied Wellness, we recommend making nutritional and lifestyle changes to support and improve andropause-related symptoms of aging.
Additionally, we may recommend herbal supplements that can serve as a natural and holistic alternative to improving your andropause-related symptoms. Such herbs, like Maca, Ginkgo, or Yohimbe just to name a few, have all been implicated in treating troublesome andropause-related symptoms of sexual dysfunction in men.
Transgender Hormone Therapy
Embodied Wellness now offers masculinizing hormone therapy to transgender and those on the gender-spectrum who qualify for such therapies. Gender-affirming testosterone replacement therapy can allow a person to develop physical body changes (secondary sex characteristics) caused by male hormone, as well as promote a more suitable gender identity and gender congruence for that individual. At Embodied Wellness, we partner with you in understanding your needs and preferences regarding treatment, and safely help you transition with bio-identical hormones and other therapies that are right for you.
If you are a man suffering from the effects of low testosterone, there is hope! Learn more on how Embodied Wellness can address your andropause-related concerns and get you back on the path to wellness. Schedule your free consultation today!