Weight Loss Program Designed By A Naturopathic Provider

Book Your Appointment!
Achieve natural, sustainable weight loss with our Holistic Weight Loss Program:
- Comprehensive Medical Visits
- Diagnostic Laboratory Testing
- Evidence-based Medications (when needed)
- Dietary Recipes and Meal Plan Resources
- Nutritional and Lifestyle Counseling
How We Approach Weight Loss
There is nothing more frustrating than spending money on weight loss programs that are too cumbersome and restrictive, or don't fit your personal needs and preferences. Weight loss is more than just calories in – calories out or avoiding fats or carbohydrates. What many weight loss programs fail to address are the supposed “healthy foods” that cause debilitative gut inflammation and oxidative stress to our bodies, all of which causes weight gain and poor health.
Embodied Wellness is a revolutionary holistic weight loss and wellness clinic that gets to the root cause of weight gain and health concerns so that you can live your best life. Inspired by the health gurus of our time, Embodied Wellness strives to help people lose weight and keep it off, while supporting inner wellbeing and holistic healing through reducing foods that promote inflammation and oxidative stress, and supplementing with evidenced-based medications when appropriate.
Custom Tailored Weight Loss Program
At Embodied Wellness, we help you graduate through our 3 levels of our holistic weight loss program, and introduce real, non-packaged anti-inflammatory whole food options that support your weight loss journey and overall wellbeing. Additionally, we provide motivational support and nutrition counseling, along with natural peptide therapy and other medications when necessary to help you on your way towards achieving your goals.
Part of our holistic approach to well-being is catering to the modern needs of our clients. Therefore, we have made our holistic weight loss and wellness medical visits 100% telehealth, so that you can conveniently work with your healthcare provider from the comfort of your own home! Rest assured, you will receive the same level of one-on-one care you would expect with in-person visits.
How It Works
With Embodied Wellness’ Holistic Weight Loss Program, you do not have to ever worry about carb counting or caloric tracking. Exercising is not even required (though encouraged for building strong bones and muscles and improving mood). That is because weight gain (and illness) is often derived from foods that promote inflammation and immune dysfunction, all of which can destroy the gut-lining and flora (think “leaky-gut syndrome”) and contribute to weight gain. With our anti-inflammatory and low-lectin diet, we eliminate major offenders, such as wheat, dairy, certain sugar-binding proteins like lectins, and other harmful foods, and provide restorative meal-planning options and other nutritional resources to help you succeed. Medications, nutritional counseling, and behavioral coaching are integrated with your catered weight loss medical appointments so that you are equipped with the tools to be successful.
There are 3 levels to our holistic weight loss program:

Level 1
In level 1, you will start our program with a 3-day cleanse. During this time, you will eat selected foods from our Yes, Please! Food List to prime your body and gut for the beneficial foods that will help you lose weight and feel great! This level is all about feeding the good gut bacteria and getting rid of the bad, so that they (and you) can work together to help you lose weight.

Level 2
In this level, you will officially begin the Embodied Wellness’ Holistic Weight Loss Program. You will continue to make the significant shift in avoiding your previously eaten foods, and switch to nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods that feed your good gut bacteria, and help you lose weight. You will continue to utilize the Yes, Please! Food List, and steer clear from the No, Thank you! Food List that promotes bodily inflammatory responses and leads to weight gain. You will also be introduced to medications/supplements during this phase of the program if appropriate. The first two weeks of the Level 2 stage are the hardest, as your body makes the drastic shift of metabolizing poor, unhealthy, and harmful foods, to feeding the good gut bacteria that may have been in hiding exactly what it needs to flourish, and for you to lose weight and thrive. Stick with it when the going gets tough, and you will thank us later!

Level 3
This is our maintenance level. On average, it can take 6-8 weeks to develop this style of eating into a lifestyle, rather than a quick diet fad. By this time, you will become so accustomed to your new way of life, that you will likely not have to rely on the food list or even meal-planning resources provided to you. You will notice results in your weight loss and will have newfound energy and well-being that you did not have prior to starting our program!
Our holistic medical weight loss program primarily utilizes peptide therapy, GLP-1 agonists, and other evidenced-based medications when appropriate to help aid in your weight loss journey. The evidenced-based medications and supplements used in our holistic medical weight loss program are scientifically supported to help promote weight loss and improve overall well-being. Additionally, vitamins and other nutrients are supplemented when appropriate to help support weight loss and wellness.

Why Choose Embodied Wellness
Holistic Weight Loss
We believe the body can respond to medical-assisted weight loss in a way that is safe, holistic, and that considers the mind, body, and spirit trilogy; all of which, if not tended to, can lead to weight gain and illness. With a process that targets reducing oxidative stress and inflammation caused by foods that lead to weight gain, and supplementing with natural peptides, as well as vitamins and nutrients, we gently but effectively, target the body’s own ability to lose weight and promote holistic healing. With the right motivation and commitment to change with our program, you can achieve weight loss that is long-lasting!More Than Just Medical Weight Loss
We, at Embodied Wellness, believe one’s goal towards permanent weight loss should be about the journey via the scenic route, and not specifically about the rush towards the finish line. With our proven method towards holistic weight loss, you will lose weight quickly; however, learning about what foods cause you weight gain, and how to achieve weight loss through reducing inflammatory foods, and supplementing with appropriate peptides and other vitamins and nutrients when appropriate, will help you keep the weight off for good. We provide you with all the resources you need to succeed in your weight loss journey.
*In addition to weight loss, our holistic-centered program may have the power to improve the following health ailments caused by inflammatory foods:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Irritable bowel disease (i.e. Crohn's
- Certain cancers
- Autoimmune diseases (i.e lupus, thyroid dysfunction, etc.)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Acne
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems
- Skin rashes
- Improve sexual function
When possible, we always try to achieve holistic weight loss by considering the mind, body, spirit, as well as environmental factors that contribute to weight gain. We may supplement one’s weight loss journey through natural peptide supplements and other evidenced-based medications when appropriate to help further maximize weight loss to fit the needs and preferences of our cleints. Medications and supplements, whether pharmaceuticals or dietary supplements, are not without their side effects. However, we strive to use the safest and least invasive weight loss medications for achieving sustainable weight loss.
3 Common Weight Loss Myths
Although burning calories and expending energy through exercising will help facilitate weight loss, it is not required to lose weight. On our Holistic Weight Loss Program, we teach you how to eat foods that feed your good gut bacteria, which are primarily responsible for reducing inflammation and cellular stress that contributes to weight gain and overall poor health. Eating low lectin, anti-inflammatory foods naturally are lower in calories and are nutrient-dense, meaning you will maintain a healthier weight that is right for your body composition.
False! A common myth among dieters is that avoiding carbs or consuming foods with minimal to no fat will help you lose weight and keep it off. In reality, these diets are never maintained long-term and can lead to rebound weight gain. Chronic elimination of carbs can lead to issues like brain fog, as your body and brain rely on such macros, like carbs, for fuel and energy. When it comes to carbs, it is important to fuel your body with “smart carbs”, such as complex carbs that are nutrient-dense found in sweet potatoes, leafy green veggies, and cruciferous veggies, such as brussels sprouts or broccoli, all of which also have fiber that helps lower sugar spikes and maintains stable blood sugars
.As for fats, your body relies on fats from foods to make important hormones and to reduce inflammation. You want to avoid certain fats, such as trans fats, which can lead to heart disease and other health problems. The fats you should consume and not avoid are the good fats that reduce inflammation, support heart health, and feed the brain, such as omega 3 fats found in fish and nuts, and monounsaturated fats found in avocados and extra virgin olive oil.
Various "healthy foods" contain lectin, including some fruits, wheat, dairy, and grains. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins found in some plants, and the seeds, veggies, and fruits they bear. In nature, plants utilize lectins as a defense mechanism from predators who may try to consume them or the “goodies” (seeds, fruit, and veggies) they produce. Humans who are sensitive to lectins, and consume lectin-rich foods may experience the same consequences as the animal predators who eat these plants in nature. That is, they may experience a gamut of symptoms from the mildest form of gas and bloating to more serious consequences of irritable bowel disease, obesity, chronic inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.
At Embodied Wellness, our focus is on reducing inflammation and oxidative stress from high lectin and other processed foods. We promote holistic healing and weight management by repairing the gut with nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory whole foods with low to no lectin content for optimal results.
*DISCLAIMER: Weight loss results will always vary for individuals, depending on the individual’s physical condition, lifestyle, diet, and personal commitment. Always consult your primary care provider before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight control or exercise program. The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition or disease, and has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not meant for you to self-diagnose or self-treat your specific health issue.